Hunger by Clare Sims

Hunger by Clare Sims



infernal hunger,

leave it be


haven’t you had your fill?

feasted till brimming

bursting and swimming

in the after


that tummy ache,

the sirens blare

and yet you continue on


like some malnourished babe,

belly protruding as a spider’s egg

it will burst if you eat too much,

greedy child!

it will burst and scatter your insides across this littered floor


what will you do then?

scoop them? sow them?

knowing you, you will collect them in your tiny hands

bit by bit


with haste,

with care,

sweep it up!

so little is lost


and lay it atop your tongue,

for as long as you can stand it.

push it down and let it slide out the dead zone

consume the waste girl, its all you’ve got left


tuck it in at night

and kiss it to sleep.

don’t let it be forgotten.


for it will remember if you do. 


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Executive Producers

Get Your Name Here Baby!

Hayley Scrivenor

Checklist by Lucinda Lagos-Wagner

Checklist by Lucinda Lagos-Wagner

Television Light by Ruby Howard

Television Light by Ruby Howard