April Editorial

April Editorial


generally speaking I stare at the screen for a while trying to think of a way to start these editorials. In recent months it’s been taking much more time to gather my thoughts and place them in neat little stacks. I try to balance the news with my personal views and keep it to what’s relevant for an arts publication.

Baby Teeth is able to continue running during social distancing measures and even during a complete national shutdown. As long as submissions keep coming in we can keep publishing.

Obviously any plans in the works for events and community projects this year now have a pin in them. Artists have been hit hard and will no doubt struggle financially during the covid-19 pandemic, all I can do is continue working and supporting ya’ll as best I can.

Please follow instructions from healthcare professionals, look after your mental health, and support those in your community as best you can.

Alright, our Features this month are very good. We’ve got photography, mixed media art involving embroidery, a prose poem, memoir, and an either timely, or untimely short story about finding home during an unspecified apocalypse.

Submissions for May Features Are Open

Window is from the 1st- 27th, send your weird and experimental. Share our call out with your friends.

We’re looking for some great artists and graphic designers to make our call out posters, get in touch if you’re interested!

April Call Our Poster

Our Patreon Keeps the Lights On

Of course I’m sending out a huge THANK YOU to all of the lovely folks who support Baby Teeth on Patreon!

There’s some great interviews and bonus work coming out for ya’ll this month! And don’t forget you have the option to submit sans readers fees.

Print Editions of Never Heard of Them Now Available Online

Our first print anthology, Never Heard of Them, is now for sale online. We’re posting it out Australian wide. Stock is extremely limited and once they’re sold out it will almost certainly be the end of it. Get a copy while the getting is good.

Never Heard of Them
Homemaking by Yen Radecki

Homemaking by Yen Radecki

It’s 3 am and the power’s out and I didn’t need to know. 2 Blackfish & Waiting Room by Hope Nakagawa

It’s 3 am and the power’s out and I didn’t need to know. 2 Blackfish & Waiting Room by Hope Nakagawa