Cursed by Michail Mathioudakis

Cursed by Michail Mathioudakis


A comic page in greys and purples, showing a vile being poured on a sleeping persons head and then multiple hands grabbing at the same person now frightened and awake.
A comic page in mauves and greys shows a person wiping their face after vomiting in some kind of magical transformation. A hand reaches a finger in through the persons forehead, they breath our smoke in the shape of a skull.
A comic page in blacks and reds with white line work shows a grim maw starting over a tiny figure held by the same hand as the last page. The next panel shows a close up of the figure, gaunt and tied in black ropes.

Comic Transcript:

…Ever since I’ve been having nightmares

Waking up in the middle of the night

I’m scared to sleep —

but I’m exhausted

Then the bleeding began

Everything felt wrong

my body felt poisoned…

And my mind felt unfamiliar

I don’t believe in curses

But I feel cursed


Find more from Michail over on Instagram!


Executive Producers

Sue White

Hayley Scrivenor

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