Waterway Wanderings by Lorretta

Waterway Wanderings by Lorretta

This Publication is Sexually Explicit

This Publication is Sexually Explicit

Waterway Wanderings

Waterway Wanderings


Two months in, I need to cool off

we spend our first weekend apart. Your lingering musk

melds with wet earth of newly awakened

ephemeral waterway. Thick arms of

unblinking eucalypts, like stony nightclub security

sink phone signal. It’s for the best

I can’t reach you – I’d only message how

I intend to fuck you, in excruciating detail

Curious yellow-cheeked cockatoos survey

my intentions. This stream is knee

deep – I shed clothes and apprehensions.

The rhythmic rise and fall of its unabated flow

mud squelching between toes

is like your considered caress, when, with chests still heaving

you wipe me up with bedside tissues of eucalyptus

Time is an agonising trickle for snagged debris, flittering

and flapping frustrations. I yearn to give myself entirely –

show you the sacred feminine which only trust can

open. On my belly, I wait and wallow, press flesh against hard rock

let thoughts and fingers wander as I lap at mineral

water – would swallow every inch, if

it tasted like you

Fingertips weave spells

casting thousands of intensifying miracles, I’m backstroking my way

to you, stroking

and stroking

‘til I’m back beneath you, where I rest –

knees upon your shoulders as you lick the stream

from my lips, telling me

I’m home


Find more from Lorretta on their Instagram or give her a poke on Facebook.


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Sue White


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