April Editorial

April Editorial

Better late than never,

It’s good to be back in the world! I did have to leave you hanging the last week and a half or so due to having Covid. Which was rough and I wouldn’t recommend it at all. Apologies for being absent on admin and email, we are back in the office now!

Despite missing the beginning of the month we have some cool and less cool things to update you on about April.

You will have already heard that Yours & Owls Festival sadly had to be cancelled due to flooding, which meant our Lit Gong collaboration with Enough Said Poetry Slam and Society City didn’t get to happen. I’m sure we’ll get another chance to bring you cool arty activities and live performances in the future though.

T-Shirt Design Contest Deadline Extension!

In case you hadn’t heard, we have extended the deadline for our design contest a whole extra month. There’s a whole lot going on in the world currently, which is a big drain on creative energy and time. We thought it’d be helpful to give you all a better chance of entering by removing the stress of the impending deadline. If you want to enter a design you can find the full guidelines and more information right here.

An illustration of a black t-shirt on a grey background. White wavy text on the shirt reads 'your art here'.

Journal Submissions Are Open

As always, Journal submissions opened on the 1st and will close this month on the 23rd. We can’t wait to see what you send our way!

Submit your art here, but please read the guidelines first.

Colourful text on a pink and blue grid background reads 'Journal Submissions Are Open!' there is a flower, smiley face, love heart and internet window style box surrounding the text. A search bar contains the URL for Baby Teeth Journal

Our Blackout Poetry Winners Have Been Announced!

Click through here to see the winning entry, and head over to our Instagram or Twitter to have a read of the 2nd, 3rd, and Special Mention poems.

Our next Blackout Poetry Competition should happen in September, but we will of course let you know!

Thank You to our Patreon Supporters!

You might have heard about how the budget has slashed the already dire state of arts funding in Australia, which makes us even more grateful for the financial support provided to Baby Teeth by our Patreon Patrons! This Journal would not be possible without you.

If you have the means, think about becoming one of our Patrons! Tiers start at $1 a month, which is a steal considering all of the perks we give you in return. Speaking of our T-Shirt contest, did you know that Patrons of certain tiers will get discounts on merch! As well as BONUS art and Creator Interviews each month, and unlimited fee free submissions! Honestly, you’re hard pressed to find a better value Arts Patronage.

Join up here!

The Digital Zine Marketplace Will be Closing

Sorry to say that we will be discontinuing our sales of digital zines by April 28th, so if you’ve been meaning to check out those cool zines it’s now or never.

Thank you to everyone who has stocked zines with us, and to everyone who has bought and enjoyed them!

Pets, 11:18, & Wastepaper Waltz by Aidan Demmers

Pets, 11:18, & Wastepaper Waltz by Aidan Demmers

Blackout Poetry Competition Winner March 2022

Blackout Poetry Competition Winner March 2022